The Allproof Legacy
James Patrick Jackson registered as a certified plumber in Wellington in 1926 and later starts up his own business in 1940.
1926 - 1940The Allproof Legacy
Learning The Trade
James's son, Ian Jackson, joined the business as an apprentice in 1956. JP Jackson ltd is established in 1959 in Robin Street, Taihape. The father and son team established multiple small businesses under the Jackson name.
1956 - 1963Learning The Trade
Setting Up Shop
Ian Jackson moves to Auckland and sets up Jacksons Plumbing in Kingsland. Jacksons Plumbing achieved a great deal of success and growth in the following years.
1966 - 1980Setting Up Shop
Inception of Allproof
Ian imports his first plumbing products distributing from his office in Kingsland (Auckland) and registers Allproof Industries.
1987Inception of Allproof
Becoming a Manufacturer
Allproof invests in its first piece of manufacturing equipment, marking a defining milestone in the evolution of the company. As success followed in the next few years, Allproof relocates from Kingsland to Mairangi Bay in 1997.
1992 - 1997Becoming a Manufacturer
Relocation & Acquisition
Due to rapid expansion and growing demands, larger facilities were required and so the company relocated to Albany. The company also expanded its manufacturing in 2007 when it acquired Pedicom Tooling, an injection moulding and tooling company in Avondale.
2004 - 2007Relocation & Acquisition
Head Office (current)
Beach Haven became the new headquarters for Allproof, combining the moulding factory with the warehouse.
2010Head Office (current)
Stainless Steel
A stainless steel department is established broadening the range of NZ-made Allproof products. Starting with two members of staff it has quickly grown to over 30 trained fabricators and tradesmen with advanced production equipment such as laser cutters and automated/CNC machines. The creation and development of this department have enabled Allproof to provide customisable products and solutions for real-world challenges faced on site.
2011Stainless Steel
South Island Office
With growing demand in the South, the Christchurch warehouse was founded. Having grown in popularity and success in the South, Allproof moved its Christchurch branch to a larger facility in 2016.
2012 - 2016South Island Office
Melbourne Office
With Ian's vision to broaden the scope of Allproof, he established a branch in Melbourne, Australia.
2013Melbourne Office
Beach Haven expanded to include 13 Bay Park Place and 6 Kahika Road, adding more efficient injection moulding machines and a new Laser Cutting machine to its facility.
2017 - 2019Expansion
Sustainability & Growth
As the company has grown it has focused more on the underpinning principle of sustainable manufacturing practices. This has become apparent through a progressive switch to an all-electric and hybrid vehicle fleet and a new 800-tonne energy efficient injection moulding machine expanding production capability. Another Allproof branch was also opened in Brisbane to service the QLD and NT states.
2021Sustainability & Growth
Achieving Success
Allproof invests in a massive Solar Energy installation, powering up to 50% of the main factory in Auckland. Ian Jackson was recognised in the 2022 New Year’s Honours for his significant contribution to the industry over many years. In addition to expanding the recycled plastic product line, Beach Haven also expanded to include 22-24 Bay Park Place, occupying a total of 6 facilities at its headquarters.