Allproof manufacture a range of durable cleanouts. Cleanouts are suitable for creating access and inspection points for drainage systems in accordance with all New Zealand AS/NZ standards and NZBC codes. Allproof cleanout access points have been designed for installation at junctions of soil discharge pipes, where a number of changes in drainage pipe direction occur, in a discharge pipe where access is restricted and at the base of any soil stack at the point of connection to the drain.
Cleanout drains are designed to work on all flooring systems, they are compatible with leak control flanges or directly push-fit into riser pipes. Allproof also manufactures vinyl clamping cleanouts with a flush floor finish. The lids come in a variety of materials and finishes catering to residential and commercial scenarios. Allproof’s range of access point caps use an O-ring to seal the drainage system preventing unpleasant odours from escaping.